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Too much of a good thing!

Today I've been photographing clothes.

I did the same yesterday, also the day before, and it's very likely that's what I'll be doing tomorrow.

It's my least favorite part of this business, the polar opposite of my day job trading on a busy market with chat and feedback. This feels lonely and soulless, but it's a great lockdown project.

Like all my vintage colleagues, I always have too much stock, I sell 10 pieces, then immediately rush about sourcing 25 more. All this fabulousness needs to be listed.

A regular high street boutique, would look at the trends and buy at a trade show twice a year, maybe a topping up mid-season.

Then, at the end of the season, have a sale to clear the decks, ready to start again.

Simple stock control, and it sounds so tidy.

But in the wonderful world of vintage, it's very different, we're hoarders, it's the nature of the business.

For example, pick any day (before lockdown), I have lots of great stock, and a packed and I'm driving to market thinking all's well with the world".

Later that morning, 2 different people will come to my stall with bags of clothes, I say "thank you, that's so kind but I have LOTS of stock at the moment, so I'm not buying"

Then I'll see a Laura Ashley sleeve poking out of the bag, or a bit of 50's beading... and boom 20 pieces in the van.

On my drive home, I stop off for milk & eggs and against my better judgement I find myself staggering back to the van from a charity shop with, milk, eggs, a vintage Ghost duster coat and a Pringle cashmere jumper... boom 2 more pieces in the van.

The phone rings "I've cleared a house and there's loads of 50's and 60's dresses are you interested?"... boom I'm off to pick up heaven knows how many more pieces.

In a few hours, I've added 20% to my already bulging stock room.

Lockdown has halted markets for now and thankfully, stock buying so the time is nigh for listing stock on my website.

A length of sheeting pinned across one wall of the spare room, a 4' rail, a mannequin and, viola! a studio is created.

Will the world shop on my websites?

I'm hoping Kevin Costner was right, "If you build it, they will come," 

I built it: over to you now!


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